Celina Ree "12 time" lyrics

Translation to:en

12 time

Lyset ned, tæppet går fra,Scenen er satTændt på mer', vælter jeg fremOg crasher din natVerden går ned i trance

Anfald kommer i stimerJeg vil bli' her til 12. timeJeg vil rive scenen påDIve hvor tankerne enderJeg vil surfe på tusinde hænderBare lad mig faldeOm og om og om igen


Spot og blitz, lyner i røgJeg damper af svedRock and roll, det eneste liv,Jeg vil leve medNatten går i tance

Anfald kommer i stimerJeg vil bli' her til 12. timeJeg vil rive scenen opJeg vil surfe på tusinde hænderBare lad mig faldeOm og om igen

Riv lortet opSkyld shittet nedFlå sjælenFå hjertet med

Anfald kommer i stimerJeg vil bli' her til 12. timeJeg vil rive scenen opDive hvor tankerne enderJeg vil surfe på tusinde hænderBare lad mig faldeOm og om og om igen

The 12.th. Hour

Lights down, the curtain risesThe scene is setTurned on for more I tumble onAnd crash your nightThe world descents in a trance

Outbursts come in drovesI want to stay here until the 12.th. hourI want to tear the stage apartDive where thoughts endsI want to surf on a thousand handsJust let myself fallOver and over and over again

Spotlight and flashlight, flashes in smokeI steam with sweatRock and roll, the only lifeI want to liveThe night goes into a trance

Outbursts come in drovesI want to stay here until the 12.th. hourI want to tear the stage apartDive where thoughts endsI want to surf on a thousand handsJust let myself fallOver and over and over again

Tear the crap upShoot the shit downRip the soulGet the heart into it

Outbursts come in drovesI want to stay here until the 12.th hourI want to tear the stage apartDive where thoughts endsI want to surf on a thousand handsJust let myself fallOver and over and over again

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song 12 time by Celina Ree. Or 12 time poem lyrics. Celina Ree 12 time text in English. This page also contains a translation, and 12 time meaning.