Celina Ree "Kortslutning" lyrics

Translation to:en


Jeg går i mellem andreUndertrykker tankerEr jeg helt alene?Krav fra alle siderTror de at jeg giderStå på deres scene?

For alting brænder sammen indeni.

kortslutning!kortslutning!Alt bli'r sortKortslutning!kortslutning!Alt bli'r sort.

Alle deres maskerOg dobbelt spil der crasherHva' fa'en har de gang i?Og hvad med mine længsler?Og hvad har de tænkt sig?Det' er min fucking fremtid.

For alting brænder sammen indeni.

kortslutning!kortslutning!Alt bli'r sortKortslutning!kortslutning!Alt bli'r sort.kortslutning!kortslutning!Alt bli'r sortKortslutning!kortslutning!Alt bli'r sort.

(kort-slut-kortslutning. kort-slut-kortslutning)

kortslutning!kortslutning!Alt bli'r sortKortslutning!kortslutning!Alt bli'r sort.

er der ingen andre som mig her?er der ingen andre som mig?er der ingen stier at gå på?ingen der kan vise mig vej?

kortslutning!kortslutning!Alt bli'r sortKortslutning!kortslutning!Alt bli'r sort.kort-slut-kortslutning!

Short Circuit

I'm walking between peopleSuppressing thoughtsAm I all alone?Demands from everywhereDo they think that I wantTo stand at their stage?

'Cause everything breaks on the inside.

Short circuit!Short circuit!Everything turns blackShort circuit!Short circuit!Everything turns black.

All of their masksand crashing double dealsWhat the hell are they doing?And what about my needs?And what do they expect?And it's my fucking future.

'Cause everything breaks on the inside.

Short circuit!Short circuit!Everything turns blackShort circuit!Short circuit!Everything turns black.Short circuit!Short circuit!Everything turns blackShort circuit!Short circuit!Everything turns black.

(Short-circ-short circuit. Short-circ-short circuit)

Short circuit!Short circuit!Everything turns blackShort circuit!Short circuit!Everything turns black.

Isn't there anyone like me here?Isn't there anyone like me?Aren't there any paths to walk?No one who can show me the way?

Short circuit!Short circuit!Everything turns blackShort circuit!Short circuit!Everything turns black.Short-circ-short circuit

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Kortslutning by Celina Ree. Or Kortslutning poem lyrics. Celina Ree Kortslutning text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Kortslutning meaning.