Polish Folk "Oj miła ma | Jestem sobie panem" lyrics

Translation to:ensr

Oj miła ma | Jestem sobie panem

Oj miła ma,Gdy powrócę znowu ja,Za cisowe wrota,Spójrz czy stoi tam,Czy tam stoi konik mój,Spójrz czy koń koło płota,Czy tam stoi koń.

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Jestem sobie panemGdy siedzę nad dzbanem,Nie dbam ja o złoto,Przepiję z ochotą...Więc pijmyOto ja, pan, pan, pan,Oto ja, pan, pan, pan,I o nic nie dbam.Całe moje zbiory,Wioski, chłopy, dwory,Całe moje żniwoPoszło już na piwo,Oto ja, pan, pan, pan,Oto ja, pan, pan, pan,I o nic nie dbam.

Oh my Dear | I am the master for myself

Oh my Dear,When I come back again,Behind the yew gatesLook, if stands there,Is there stands my horse,Look if horse near the fence,Is there stands the horse.

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I am the master for myselfWhen I sit on the pitcher,I do not care about the gold.I drink gladly ...So let us drinkHere I am, master, master, masterHere I am, master, master, masterI do not care about anything.All my harvest,Villages, peasants, palaces,All my harvestAlready wont for a beer,Here I am, master, master, masterHere I am,master, master, masterAnd I do not care about anything.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Oj miła ma | Jestem sobie panem by Polish Folk. Or Oj miła ma | Jestem sobie panem poem lyrics. Polish Folk Oj miła ma | Jestem sobie panem text in English. Also can be known by title Oj miła ma Jestem sobie panem (Polish Folk) text. This page also contains a translation, and Oj miła ma Jestem sobie panem meaning.