Pasión Vega "Nana para un rey" lyrics

Translation to:en

Nana para un rey

Duérmete tesoro mío,no tengas miedo de na'.Mi pecho combate el frío:pon tus manitas helás.

Calla, que tras la colinaestá la muerte acechando,viene cargada de espinas,cruces, fatigas y clavos.

Nana para unos ojos morenos,nana para mi estrella y mi cielo,nana pa' un ángel recién nacío,nana, que se me ha quedao dormío.

Cuando ríes se iluminanlas ventanas de mi ser.¡Qué hermoso es dar luz divinay qué delirio querer!

Yo estaré siempre a tu vera;sueña libre, pastorcillo.Ala, ea, ea, ea,¡qué penita de mi niño!

Nana para unos ojos morenos,nana para mi estrella y mi cielo,nana pa' un ángel recién nacío,nana, que se me ha quedao dormío.

Grandmother of a King

Go to sleep my loveDon't fear a thingMy chest will keep you from the coldPut (on it) your cold little hands

Hush, be quiet, for behind the hillDeath is already lurkingIt will come, laden with thornsWith crosses, wearyness and nails

Grandmother, for a pair of brown eyesGrandmother, to my star and my skyGrandmother, to a newborn angelGrandmother, which has left me asleep

When you smile, they light upThe windows of my beingHow beautiful (it is) to give divine lightAnd what a delirium (it is) to want

I will always be by your sideSo dream freely, little shepherdAla, ea, ea, eaWhat a pity for my child

Grandmother, for a pair of brown eyesGrandmother, to my star and my skyGrandmother, to a newborn angelGrandmother, which has left me asleep

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Nana para un rey by Pasión Vega. Or Nana para un rey poem lyrics. Pasión Vega Nana para un rey text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Nana para un rey meaning.