Pasión Vega "Vete de mí" lyrics

Translation to:en

Vete de mí

Tú,que llenas todo de alegría y juventudy ves fantasmas en las noches de trasluzy oyes el canto perfumado del azul,¡vete de mí!

No te detengas a mirarlas ramas viejas del rosalque se marchitan sin dar flor;mira el paisaje del amorque es la razón para soñary amar.

Yo,que ya he luchado contra toda la maldad,tengo las manos tan deshechas de apretarque ni te puedo sujetar,¡vete de mí!

Seré en tu vida lo mejorde la alegría del ayercuando me llegues a olvidar,como es mejor el verso aquelque no podemos recordar.

¡Vete de mí!Seré en tu vida lo mejorde la neblina del ayercuando me llegues a olvidarcomo es mejor el verso aquelque no podemos recordar.

Get out of me 1.

You,who fill everything with happiness and youthand see ghost in translucent nightsand hear the sweet-smelling chant of the blueget out of me!

Don't stop to lookthe old branches of the rose bushthat fade away before they bloom,look at the landscape of lovewhich is the reason to dreamand love.

I,that already have fought against all wickednessI have my hands so tired out from holding tightthat I cannot longer hold youget out of me!

I will be in your life the bestof yesterday's happinesswhen you finally forget meas it is better that poemthat we cannot remember

Get out of me!I will be in your life the bestof yesterday's fogwhen you finally forget meas it is better that poemthat we cannot remember.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Vete de mí by Pasión Vega. Or Vete de mí poem lyrics. Pasión Vega Vete de mí text in English. Also can be known by title Vete de mi (Pasion Vega) text. This page also contains a translation, and Vete de mi meaning.