Carly Simon "Itsy Bitsy Spider" lyrics

Translation to:pt

Itsy Bitsy Spider

The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spoutDown come the rainAnd washed the spider outOut come the sunAnd dried up all the rainAnd the itsy bitsy spiderClimbed up the spout again

The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spoutDown come the rainAnd washed the spider outOut come the sunAnd dried up all the rainAnd the itsy bitsy spiderClimbed up the spout again

I believe in loveAnd who knows where or whenBit it's coming around again

The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spoutDown come the rainAnd washed the spider outOut come the sunAnd dried up all the rainAnd the itsy bitsy spiderClimbed up the spout again

I know nothing stays the sameBut if you're willing to play the gameIt's coming around again

(Itsy bitsy spider)(Itsy bitsy spider)(Itsy bitsy spider)(Itsy bitsy spider)

The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout(Coming around again)Down come the rainAnd washed the spider out(Coming around again)Out come the sunAnd dried up all the rainAnd the itsy bitsy spiderClimbed up the spout again

(Na na na na na na na)(Itsy bitsy spider, coming around again)(Itsy bitsy spider, coming around again)(Itsy bitsy spider, coming around again)

A Aranhinha

A aranhinha subiu pelo cano de águaA chuva caiuE levou a aranhinha pela águaO Sol saiuE secou toda a chuvaE a aranhinhaSubiu pelo cano de novo

A aranhinha subiu pelo cano de águaA chuva caiuE levou a aranhinha pela águaO Sol saiuE secou toda a chuvaE a aranhinhaSubiu pelo cano de novo

Eu acredito no amorE quem vai saber onde ou quando?Mas está acontecendo outra vez

A aranhinha subiu pelo cano de águaA chuva caiuE levou a aranhinha pela águaO Sol saiuE secou toda a chuvaE a aranhinhaSubiu pelo cano de novo

Eu sei que nada fica igualMas se você quiser jogar o jogoEstá acontecendo outra vez

(A aranhinha)(A aranhinha)(A aranhinha)(A aranhinha)

A aranhinha subiu pelo cano de água(Acontecendo de novo)A chuva caiuE levou a aranhinha pela água(Acontecendo de novo)O Sol saiuE secou toda a chuvaE a aranhinhaSubiu pelo cano de novo

(Na na na na na na na)(A aranhinha, acontecendo de novo)(A aranhinha, acontecendo de novo)(A aranhinha, acontecendo de novo)

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Itsy Bitsy Spider by Carly Simon. Or Itsy Bitsy Spider poem lyrics. Carly Simon Itsy Bitsy Spider text.