Šekib Mujanović "Sreco Moja Gde si sad" lyrics

Translation to:bgen

Sreco Moja Gde si sad

Sreco moja gdje si sadvrijeme leti kao sat.Ponekad smo skupa mia trebas mi svaki dan

Tvoje ruke osecamsvuda jos po tjelu svom.Kao sa mnom neces tinikad sretna biti s njim .

REF.Kad ostanes jednom samamedu cetiri hladna zidasjetit ces se mene tadabit ce kasno sve

Mislis citav svijet je tvojdraga su ti mjesta svane znas da je ostalotako malo vremena!!

Tvoje ruke osecamsvuda jos po tjelu svomKao sa mnom neces tinikad sretna biti s njim

REF. (2X)Kad ostanes jednom samamedu cetiri hladna zidasjetit ces se mene tada

bit ce kasno sve

Where are you now, my dear?

Where are you now, my dear?You know, the time goes fast like the death.Sometimes, we are togetherbut I need you all of the time.

I feel your handsall over my body.You'll never be happy with him,as you were happy with me

Chorus:Suddenly, when you'll stay aloneamong four walls.You are going to mention methan, it'll be all over.

You think, everything is yours.You find everything for granted.You don't knowYou are out of time.

I feel your handsall over my body.You'll never be happy with him,as you were happy with me

Chorus:Suddenly, when you'll stay aloneamong four walls.You are going to mention methan, it'll be all over.

Then, it'll be all over

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Sreco Moja Gde si sad by Šekib Mujanović. Or Sreco Moja Gde si sad poem lyrics. Šekib Mujanović Sreco Moja Gde si sad text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Sreco Moja Gde si sad meaning.