Šekib Mujanović "Momak sipaj konjak" lyrics

Translation to:en

Momak sipaj konjak

Momak, sipaj mu konjak...2x

Mnogo bola na krajusta od mene bi jossuze skupe al' trajuzasto kad nisam los

Ljulja, sve mi se ljuljaal' prezivjecu jadok na metar od menes drugim koketiras

REF.Momak, sipaj mi konjakmogu odmah i dvajer, za nju ja sam bivsima, nek je prokletaMomak, sipaj mi konjakmnogo boli me toa vec sutra sta budeovo moje je dno

Nema lijeka za menesad je kasno za svepa k'o otrov niz venetece i muci me

Ljulja, sve mi se ljuljaal' prezivjecu jadok na metar od menedira joj koljena


Boy, pour a cognac down

Boy, pour a cognac down 2x

A lot of pain in the endwhat more would you like from metears are costly but they lastwhy, when I'm not bad

swing, everything swings in my headbut I'll survivewhile, one meter away from meyou chat with other man

REF.Boy, pour a cognac downI can take two right away'cause I'm her exoh, let her be damnBoy, pour a cognac downIt hurts me very muchand what will happen tomorrow,(I don't care), this is my bottom

Ther's no cure (help) for menow it's too late for ererythinglike a poison in my vainsit flows and torments me

swing, everything swings in my headbut I'll survivewhile, one meter away from mehe is touching her knees


Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Momak sipaj konjak by Šekib Mujanović. Or Momak sipaj konjak poem lyrics. Šekib Mujanović Momak sipaj konjak text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Momak sipaj konjak meaning.