Vaçe Zela "Ne shtepine tone" lyrics

Translation to:en

Ne shtepine tone

2xShtepia jone plot me diell, plot me ngrohtesinene dimer e ne pranvere kemi kaltersinedritarja jone hapur rri per ty dite e reper dashurine e njer'zve tane te mire

I duam ne njer'zit t'i kemi gjimon' praneshtepia e jone e bardhe, e bardhei rritim femijet me drite e me djerseme dashurine per njer'zit tane te mire

In Our Home

2xOur home full of sun, full of warmin winter and spring we enjoy azureour window stays opened for you new dayfor the love of our good people

2xWe want our people always to be around usour home white, so whitewe raise our children with light and sweatwith love for our good people

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Ne shtepine tone by Vaçe Zela. Or Ne shtepine tone poem lyrics. Vaçe Zela Ne shtepine tone text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Ne shtepine tone meaning.