Vaçe Zela "O diell i ri" lyrics

Translation to:en

O diell i ri

1.Si n'vegim e kujtojme jet' femijerineqe shkoi pa gezime ne vite pa dritepa ledhatim me fluturoiporsi perrenjte shkoi e ikugjithmone femijeria e shtrenjte

2.Por lindi dielli i ri, nje diell i nxehteqe derdhi tek zemrat bonjake vec jeteper lumturine, per jeten tone te reky diell i zjarrte do ngrohe gjithmonete ardhmen tone

Ref. 2xO diell i dashur o drita imevec ti me fal jet' gaz e haren'ne kraht' e tua o jet' e bukurune zemren time ty po t'a ler

3.Sot une jeten gezojse dashurine moj e gjeta tek tyoj moj vashe syshkruarne shpirtin tim nje lumtuniper vogelushin qe rrinte cdo diteprane nesh i gezuarsa here qe e shikoj qesh nga gezimikur syckat e tija shkelqejne plot diellper lumturine, per diellin tone te ricdo pike djerse e derdhin neper jet'n e re


O New Sun!

1.In the phantom we remember the life of childhoodthat fled without joys among the years without the lightwithout cuddling flied off my handslike the rivers ran somewherethe precious childhood always

2.But the new sun is born, a warm sunthat springs to our orphan hearts only a lifefor happiness, for our new lifethis sun full of fire shall give warmthalways to our future

Ref.But the darling sun, oh my lightonly you grant me life, joy and happinesson your arms oh you beautiful lifeI shall leave my heart

3.Today I rejoice lifelove in you I foundoh lassie with beautiful eyesin my soul a happinessfor the kid that used to stayhappy by our sideevery time I gaze at him I smile from the joywhen his eyes shine full of sunfor the happiness, for our new sunevery bit of sweat we dropfor the new life

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song O diell i ri by Vaçe Zela. Or O diell i ri poem lyrics. Vaçe Zela O diell i ri text in English. This page also contains a translation, and O diell i ri meaning.