Verjnuarmu "Paha paemenen puvussa" lyrics

Translation to:en

Paha paemenen puvussa

Herran huoneessa tärisöö seinähirretPyhäuamuna raekaa pirunvirretSuarnastuolissa seppelkaalaVuanii laamoo piässä naala

Paha paemenen puvussaValtoo peon luvussaOlj' hyvä mies kerran, tuo mies Herran

Söe Suatana syvämmenMänj' Pirulle sormet ja kämmenEe Perkeleelle sano eiEnkelj' musta sielun vei

Mielen piällä peleko ja ahistusPiätaatiin immeisen ee aata RistusSuana jokkaenen on tartunnanTaati kulukoo läpi seurakunnan

Paha paemenen puvussaValtoo peon suvussaOlj' hyvä mies Herran, nyt mies alakerran

Vatkoo ruhhoo kuumehorkatNilikoesta essiin puskoo sorkatAakee otassa arvetPiähän nousoo pirunsarvet

Evil in a shepherd's disguise

In the room of the Lord the wall beams are shakingAt the morning of a (religious) holiday hymns of the devil are blaringIn the pulpit a "wreath neck"*Is prowling the flock with a nail on his head

The evil in a shepherd's disguiseConquers in the numberf of the beast(He) was once a good man, that man of the Lord's

Satan ate the heartThe fingers and the palm went to the DevilYou don't say no to Perkele*A black angel took the soul

In the mind there's fear and distressTo a disease of the head the Christ is of no helpEveryone's got contaminatedThe disease is spreading through the congregation

The evil in a shepherd's dishguiseConquers in the name of the Beast's familyWas once a good man, now a man of the downstairs*

The agues of fever are shaking the bodyHooves are pushing out from the anklesScars are opening on the foreheadDevil horns are rising to the head

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Paha paemenen puvussa by Verjnuarmu. Or Paha paemenen puvussa poem lyrics. Verjnuarmu Paha paemenen puvussa text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Paha paemenen puvussa meaning.