Vlado Kalember "Otkad si otišla" lyrics

Translation to:en

Otkad si otišla

Nemoj me zvati, ne, ti nisi bila fertebi sam bio stvar, u srcu podstanartvoje su ljubavi uzmi pa ostaviovo je mali grad, još manji bit će ti sad

Onog dana kad si nestalabila je nedjeljaniti korak nisi zastalakad sam te zvao ja

Ref.Otkad si otišla, ja nemam nikogaa tebi želim luđakakome ista je svakakoji nije kao ja

Otkad si otišla, nitko mi ne trebaa tebi želim kretenahajde, budi mu ženato si zaslužila

Plakat ćeš satima, lupat ćeš vratimazvat ćeš me sto, stoput na danal' nećeš naći me, mrtav sam za tebemakar zauvijek ostao sam

Since you left

Don't call me, no, you weren't fairI was just an object to you, a boarder in your heartYour love is "take it and leave it"This is a small town, it's going to get even smaller for you now

The day you disappearedIt was SundayYou didn't even stopWhen I called you

Chorus:Since you left, I don't have anyoneAnd for you, I want a mad manWho thinks that all the girls are the sameWho isn't like me

Since you left, I don't need anyoneAnd for you, I want a jerkC'mon, be his wifeYou deserved it

You'll cry for hours, you'll bang the doorsYou'll call me a hundred, hundred times a dayBut you won't find me, I'm dead for youEven if I stay alone forever

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Otkad si otišla by Vlado Kalember. Or Otkad si otišla poem lyrics. Vlado Kalember Otkad si otišla text in English. Also can be known by title Otkad si otisla (Vlado Kalember) text. This page also contains a translation, and Otkad si otisla meaning.