Rachel Platten "Congratulations" lyrics

Translation to:sr


[Verse 1]I'm stupid and confusedMy ego's raw and bruisedYour words were weapons andThey tore me down againReplay our conversationYou threw your accusationsI'm always so complacentI never change the station

[Pre-Chorus]Help me find a sharper knifeI need to cut you out my lifeI take it all; I let it slideBut hey, you went too far this time

[Chorus]Congratulations, got what you wantedYou're winning nowCongratulations, you got your shot inYou wore me downAnd I really don't think you get it nowNo, I really don't think you get it nowIt's killing me, I admit it nowCongratulations, you tore my heart outCongratulations

[Verse 2]It must feel good digestedTo be so damn aggressiveBut the pounding in my chest isBegging for protectionYou think you're innocentPure gold and heaven-sent, butMy tears are instruments andThey sound like consequences

[Pre-Chorus]Help me find a sharper knifeI need to cut you out my lifeI take it all; I let it slideBut hey, you went too far this time

[Chorus]Congratulations, got what you wantedYou're winning nowCongratulations, you got your shot inYou wore me downAnd I really don't think you get it nowNo, I really don't think you get it nowIt's killing me, I admit it nowCongratulations, you tore my heart outCongratulations

[Bridge]Save me from myself, cause INeed somebody's helpYeah, I dig the deepest wellsAnd I get lostYou, you got it all, I guessAnd me, I'll take the fall for thisOhh

[Pre-Chorus]Help me find a sharper knifeI need to cut you out my lifeI take it all; I let it slideBut hey, you went too far this time

[Chorus]Congratulations, got what you wantedYou're winning nowCongratulations, you got your shot inYou wore me downAnd I really don't think you get it nowNo, I really don't think you get it nowIt's killing me, I admit it nowCongratulations, you tore my heart outCongratulations

Sve Cestitke

[Strofa 1]Glupa sam i zbunjenaMoj ego raljiv i sav u modricamaTvoje reci su bile oruzjeRazrusile me ponovoIznova vrtim nas razgovorSamo si bacao svoje optuzbe na meneUvek sam bila zadovoljnaI nikada se nisam menala

[Pre-Refren]Pomozi mi da pronadjem ostar nozI isecem te iz svog zivotaSve sam podnela, Sve mi se omakloAli Hej, Presao si granice ovoga puta

[Refren]Sve cestitke, Dobio si sta si zeleoPobedio si sadaSve cestitke, Dobio si ono u sta si pucaoRazrusio si meI ja stvarno mislim da ti i dalje nisi shvatioNe, ti stvarno nisi i dalje shvatioTo me ubija, priznajem sadaSve cestitke, Iscupao si moje srceSve cestitke

[Strofa 2]Sigurno si sada sitSvoje agresijeAli ovi otkucaju u mojim grudimaTeze ka zastitiTi mislis da si ti nevinCisto zlato, Kao od Boga stvoren, AliMoje suze su intrumentI zvuceo kao posledice

[Pre-Refren]Pomozi mi da pronadjem ostar nozI isecem te iz svog zivotaSve sam podnela, Sve mi se omakloAli Hej, Presao si granice ovoga puta

[Refren]Sve cestitke, Dobio si sta si zeleoPobedio si sadaSve cestitke, Dobio si ono u sta si pucaoRazrusio si meI ja stvarno mislim da ti i dalje nisi shvatioNe, ti stvarno nisi i dalje shvatioTo me ubija, priznajem sadaSve cestitke, Iscupao si moje srceSve cestitke

[Spoj]Sacuvaj me od sebeJer je meni potreban neko da mi pomogneDa, izgradila sam najdublje bunareI izgubila se u njimaTi, Ti si sve shvatio, PretpostavljamAli ja, Ja cu uzeti odgovornost za sve ovoOhh

[Pre-Refren]Pomozi mi da pronadjem ostar nozI isecem te iz svog zivotaSve sam podnela, Sve mi se omakloAli Hej, Presao si granice ovoga puta

[Refren]Sve cestitke, Dobio si sta si zeleoPobedio si sadaSve cestitke, Dobio si ono u sta si pucaoRazrusio si meI ja stvarno mislim da ti i dalje nisi shvatioNe, ti stvarno nisi i dalje shvatioTo me ubija, priznajem sadaSve cestitke, Iscupao si moje srceSve cestitke

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Congratulations by Rachel Platten. Or Congratulations poem lyrics. Rachel Platten Congratulations text.