Ivan Zak "Usne varane" lyrics

Translation to:en

Usne varane

Za najgore dane i najgore nociona mi treba da popravi svebas takva prava da boli glavasvakom muskarcu potrebna je

Da bude uz mene kad mi je teskoi lose dane da popravi svedosta je svega, nije mi dobroona mi treba da spasi me

Refren:Da me cuva i da me ljubikad odem drugoj da poludikad predjem svaku granicunek' mi ona sudi-Da od nje nigdje nema ludjekad cuje da ja ljubim tudjeneke tudje usne varanei razocarane

Ne izlazim vise na mjesta staraprovodim sate da prezivim nocznam da za mene ona je pravaja samo cekam kada ce doc

Refren x2

Cheated lips

For the worst days and the worst nightI need her to fix it allevery man needssuch a good girl that gives headaches

To be by my side when it gets hardand to fix all bad daysit's enough, I feel badI need her to save me

That she protects me and kisses meWhen I go to another girl, that she goes crazyWhen I break all limits(of her understanding , tolerance)-Let she to judge me

That there is no crazier girl than she iswhen she hears that I kiss othersSome others' cheatedand disappointed lips

I don't go out on old places anymoreI spend days to survive the nightI know that she's the right one for meI only wait for her to come

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Usne varane by Ivan Zak. Or Usne varane poem lyrics. Ivan Zak Usne varane text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Usne varane meaning.