Ivan Zak "Jedna noć" lyrics

Translation to:en

Jedna noć

Refren:Jedna noc ti je bila dovoljnada rijesis sve problemezaboravis na nasi odes od mene, tu nema dileme-Jedan dan tebi je i previseda bolji te nadjuneki bolji od menejer takve ko ti uvijek se snadju

Nasa ljubav mirise ovu noc na krajjer ti odlazis u tudji zagrljaju tudje odaje gdje sve se prodajetu si nas odala, nasu ljubav prodala

Refren x1

Nocas gradom prolazeneke sretne ljubavipuno sretnije od naseh da ti mogu cuti glas

Refren x2

One night

Refrain:One night was enough for youTo solve all problemsTo forget about usAnd you leave me, it's not dilemma here-One day is too much for youTo be found by better onesThe ones that are better than meBecause the ones like you always find each other

Our love smells like an end tonightBecause you leave for someone's else hugTo someone's else place when everything is being soldYou give up us (our love) here, you sold our love


Tonight some happy lovesPass through the cityMuch happier than usEh, if I could hear your voice

(Refrain x2)

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Jedna noć by Ivan Zak. Or Jedna noć poem lyrics. Ivan Zak Jedna noć text in English. Also can be known by title Jedna noc (Ivan Zak) text. This page also contains a translation, and Jedna noc meaning.