Ivan Zak "Nepobjediva" lyrics

Translation to:en


Danima cekam ja poziv tvojsamo se javi isti je brojista adresa, jos isti je stancekam te cekam ja svaki dan

Otkljucana vrata ostavljam jane bi li slucajno ti svratilaova adresa jos tvoj je domostala ti si u srcu mom

Refren x2Ostala si jedinajedina si vrijedilaod svih zena najboljanepobjediva

Danima cekam da cujem ti glassamo se javi javi zbog nastvoje su stvari jos uvijek tusvrati mi makar u prolazu

Refren x4


I've been waiting for your call for daysjust call, number's the samesame address, same apartmentI'm waiting for you every day

I'm leaving the door unlockedif maybe you'll comethis address is still your homeyou've stayed in my heart

Ref x2You have stayed the only oneYou were the only worthBest of all womenUnbeatable

I've been waiting for days to hear your voiceJust call, call for usYour things are still hereAt least come when you're passing by

Ref x4

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Nepobjediva by Ivan Zak. Or Nepobjediva poem lyrics. Ivan Zak Nepobjediva text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Nepobjediva meaning.