Grimes "Skin" lyrics

Translation to:totr


Soft skinYou touch me within and so I know I could be human once againI know you're faced with somethingThat could consume you completely

Soft skinYou touch me once again and somehow it stings‘Cos I know it is the endI hate that you're leavingSo why don't you talk to me?You act like nothing ever happenedBut it meant the world to me

And you can't and you can't see the wind in the treesAnd you can't and you can't see the wind in the leavesAnd you can't and you can't see the weight in the darkAnd you can't and you can't see the weight in the heart

Soft skinI'll have you be near my heart,Until I feel humanSoft skinYou were never a lie to begin withSo now I'm suffering


Kili mokomokaKe ala au 'i loto pea 'oku ou 'ilo'i mahalo 'oku toe faka'etama ia'Oku ou 'ilo'i 'oku ke ma'u ha me'aHa me'a 'oku lava ke faka'auha kakato koe.

Kili mokomokaKe toe ala au pea tokua 'oku ongo'i u'u iaHe 'oku ou 'ilo'i ko e ngata iaFehia au he 'oku ke 'aluPea ko e ha 'oku 'ikai ke ke lea mai?Ke fievaleloi 'o hange na'e 'ikai hoko ha me'aKa 'oku mahu'inga lahi ia 'ia te au.

Pea 'ikai ke ke lava pea 'ikai ke ke jio e matangi 'i he fu'u 'akauPea 'ikai ke ke lava pea 'ikai ke ke jio e matangi 'i he lau'akauPea 'ikai ke ke lava pea 'ikai ke ke jio e mamafa 'i he po'uliPea 'ikai ke ke lava pea 'ikai ke ke jio e mamafa 'i ho'oku loto.

Kili mokomokaTeu ma'u koe ke ke nofo vaaofi ki hoku lotoKae 'oua ongo'i au 'o hange ha tamaKili mokomokaHala'ataa na'a ke hoko ki ha loi 'i hono kamataPea ku kaataki'i au taimi ni.

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Skin by Grimes. Or Skin poem lyrics. Grimes Skin text.