Marta Sebestyen "Teremtés" lyrics

Translation to:en


Az ember agyagból gyúrjon Istent,Aki teremtsen néki világot,Hol hajthat magának papírhajót,Amin önnön özönvizét megússza.

Keressen folyton partokat,Hogy folyvást száradozzon.Keressen folyton partokat,Míg el nem mossa egy végső áradat.

Keressen folyton partokat,Hogy folyvást száradozzon.Keressen folyton partokat,Míg el nem mossa egy végső áradat.


Let's the man knead God from clay,Who will create world for him,Where the man could fold paperboat for himselfand can get away with it the Flood.

Always look for new shoresto become dry.Always look for new shores,Until the last tide will wash him away.

Always look for new shoresto become dry.Always look for new shores,Until the last tide will wash him away.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Teremtés by Marta Sebestyen. Or Teremtés poem lyrics. Marta Sebestyen Teremtés text in English. Also can be known by title Teremtes (Marta Sebestyen) text. This page also contains a translation, and Teremtes meaning.