Ella Fitzgerald "Day In, Day Out" lyrics

Translation to:hr

Day In, Day Out

Day in, day outThat same old voodoo follows me aboutThat same old pounding in my heart, whenever I think of youAnd darling, I think of you, day in and day out

Day out, day inI needn't tell you how my days beginWhen I awake I get up with a tingle, one possibility in viewThat possibility of maybe seeing you

Come rain, come shineI meet you and to me the day is fineThen I kiss your lips and the pounding becomesThe oceans roar, a thousand drums

Can't you see it's loveCan there be any doubtWhen there it isDay in and day out

I'm gonna love you like nobody's loved you, come rain or come shineI meet you and to me the day is fineThen I kiss your lips and the pounding becomesThe oceans roar, a thousand drums

Can't you see it's loveCan there be any doubtWhen there it is

There it is, day in, day outThere it is, day inThere it is, there it isThere, there, there it isThere it is, there it isDay out

Od jutra do večeri

Od jutra do večeriIsti stari vudu me prati naokoloIsto staro kucanje u mom srcu, kad god pomislimNa tebeI dragi, mislim na tebe, od jutra do večeri

Od jutra do večeriNe moram ti reći kako mi dani započinjuKad se probudim, ustanem s peckanjem, jedna opcija u viduTa opcija da ću možda vidjeti tebe

Bila kiša, bilo sunceSretnem te i meni je dobar danOnda ljubim tvoje usne i kucanje postajeRikanje oceana, tisuću bubnjeva

Ne shvaćaš li da je to ljubavMože li tu biti kakve sumnjeKad eto gaOd jutra do večeri

Voljet ću te kako te nitko nije volio,bila kiša ili bilo sunceSretnem te i meni je dobar danOnda ljubim tvoje usne i kucanje postajeRikanje oceana, tisuću bubnjeva

Ne shvaćaš li da je to ljubavMože li tu biti kakve sumnjeKad eto ga

Eto ga na, od jutra do večeriEto ga na, od jutraEto ga na, eto gaEto, eto, eto ga naEto gana, eto ga naDo večeri

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Day In, Day Out by Ella Fitzgerald. Or Day In, Day Out poem lyrics. Ella Fitzgerald Day In, Day Out text. Also can be known by title Day In Day Out (Ella Fitzgerald) text.