Blink-182 "The Party Song" lyrics

Translation to:dahrtr

The Party Song

[whisper]Here you go motherfuckers...

Do you want to come to a partyMy friends picked me up in their truck at 11:30This things at a frat house but the people are cool thereReluctant I followed but I never dreamed thereWould be someone there who would catch my attentionI wasn't out searching for love or affectionSo I paid my 3 and the girls got in freeShine the beer for tequila and we headed into the party

And then in the backyard some terrible ska bandSomeone in the background was doing a keg standThis place is so lame all these girls look the sameAll thse guys have no game I wish I would have stayedIn my bed back at home watching TV aloneWhere I'd put on some porn or have sex on the phoneFar from people I hate down from anywhere stateTrying to intoxicate girls to give them head after the party

And then I saw her standing thereWith green eyes and long blond hairShe wasn't wearing underwear at least I prayed thatShe might be the one maybe we'd have some funMaybe we'd watch the sun riseBut that night I learned some girls try too hardSome girls try too hardSome girls try too hard to impressWith the way that they dressWith those things on their chestsAnd the things they suggest to me

I couldn't believe what this lady was sayingThe names she was dropping the games she was playingShe dated this guy who now rides for Black FlysHow she's down with the wise well constructed disguiseNow I'd rather go dateless than stay here and hate thisHer volume of makeup her fake tits were tastelessSo I said I'd call her but never would botherUntil I got turned down by another girl at a party

So when you see her standing thereWith green eyes and long blonde hairShe won't be wearing underwear and you'll discoverThis girl's not the one and she'll never be funYou should just turn and runBecause you'll find out that some girls try too hardSome girls try too hardAnd some girls try too hard to impressWith the way that they dressWith those things on their chestAnd the things they suggest to me

Some girls try too hardSome girls try too hard

Pjesma tulumarka

[šapat]Evo vam gadovi...

Zar ne želiš ići na tulumPrijatelji su me pokupili svojim kamionom u 23:30Ta stvar je u kući bratstva ali ljudi tamo su coolNerado sam ih pratio ali nikad nisam ni sanjao da ćeTamo biti netko tko će zadobiti moju pažnjuNisam išao vani da bi tražio ljubav ili uzbuđenjeI tako sam platio 3 a cure su ušle besplatnoZamijenio pivu tequilom i krenuli smo tulumariti

I tada je u pozadinskom dvorištu bio neki očajan ska bendNetko je u pozadini pio naopačke iz bačveOvo mjesto je tako jadno, sve cure izgledaju istoSvi ovi likovi nemaju pojma, volio bih da sam ostaoU svom krevetu kod kuće gledajući sam TVGdje bih upalio neke porniće ili zvao vrući telefonDaleko od ljudi koje mrzim iz bilo koje donje države kojiPokušavaju otrovati cure tako da im daju nakon tuluma

I tada sam ju ugledao dok je stajala tamoSa zelenim očima i dugom plavom kosomNije nosila donje rublje, bar sam molio za toMožda bi ona mogla biti ta, zabavljali bi seMožda bi gledali zalazak suncaAli te večeri sam naučio da se neke cure previše trudeNeke cure se previše trudeNeke se cure previše trude da ostave utisakS načinom na koji se oblačeS tim stvarima na njihovim prsimaI stvarima koje mi predlažu

Nisam mogao vjerovati što ova teta govoriImena koja je bacala, igre koje je igralaHodala je za tog tipa koji sada svira za Black FlysKako je usavršila pametnu dobro konstruiranu maskuSad bi rađe ostao bez spoja nego ostao tu i mrzio ovoNjezin obujam šminke, njezine lažne sise su bile bezukusneRekao sam joj da ću ju nazvati ali ne bi se nikad zamarao timeDok me nije odbila neka druga cura na tulumu

I kada ju vidiš kako stoji tamoSa zelenim očima i dugom plavom kosomNeće nositi donje rublje, i otkriti ćešDa ova cura nije prava, i da nikad neće biti zabavnaTrebao bi se samo okrenuti i pobjećiJer ćeš shvatiti da se neke cure previše trudeNeke cure se previše trudeNeke se cure previše trude da ostave utisakS načinom na koji se oblačeS tim stvarima na njihovim prsimaI stvarima koje mi predlažu

Neke cure se previše trudeNeke cure se previše trude

Here one can find the lyrics of the song The Party Song by Blink-182. Or The Party Song poem lyrics. Blink-182 The Party Song text.