Blink-182 "Always" lyrics

Translation to:defrhritnlpttr


I've been here before a few timesAnd I'm quite aware we're dyingAnd your hands they shake with goodbyesAnd I'll take you back if you'd have meSo here I am I'm tryingSo here I am are you ready

Come on let me hold you, touch you, feel youAlwaysKiss you, taste you all nightAlways

And I'll miss your laugh your smileI'll admit I'm wrong if you'd tell meI'm so sick of fights, I hate themLets start this again for real

So here I am I'm tryingSo here I am are you readySo here I am I'm tryingSo here I am are you ready

Come on let me hold you, touch you, feel youAlwaysKiss you taste you all nightAlways(Come on let me hold you)Touch you, feel youAlwaysKiss you, taste you all nightAlways

I've been here before a few timesAnd I'm quite aware we're dying

Come on let me hold you, touch you, feel youAlwaysKiss you, taste you all nightAlways(Come on let me hold you)Touch you, feel youAlwaysKiss you, taste you all nightAlways


Prošao sam kroz ovo nekoliko putaI svjestan sam toga da umiremoI tvoje ruke se tresu u znak pozdravaI primiti ću te natrag ako me želišPa evo trudim sePa evo tu sam, jesi li spremna

Daj da te držim, dodirujem, osjetimUvijekLjubim, degustiram cijelu noćUvijek

I nedostaje mi tvoje smijanje i osmjehPriznati ću ti da sam u krivu ako mi kažeš"Dosta mi je svađanja, mrzim toPočnimo ispočetka ali za ozbiljno"

Pa evo trudim sePa evo tu sam, jesi li spremnaPa evo trudim sePa evo tu sam, jesi li spremna

Daj da te držim, dodirujem, osjetimUvijekLjubim, degustiram cijelu noćUvijek(Daj da te držim)Dodirujem, osjetimUvijekLjubim, degustiram cijelu noćUvijek

Prošao sam kroz ovo nekoliko putaI svjestan sam toga da umiremo

Daj da te držim, dodirujem, osjetimUvijekLjubim, degustiram cijelu noćUvijek(Daj da te držim)Dodirujem, osjetimUvijekLjubim, degustiram cijelu noćUvijek

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Always by Blink-182. Or Always poem lyrics. Blink-182 Always text.