Endless Roll
Someday the graffiti written on these walls will expand into an imaginary mapAs for right now, the washed out color of all those futures disappears
Carrying nothing but useless things, I forgot the important keyThe feeling of jumping from my room comes flooding back
Days when I felt I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere returnLeave me all on my own
Like I can grasp it, like it’s approachable, the spiral staircase continues on“The end” feels like it’s drifting off, always on the look out for an excuse
This is how “real” isThere’s really no needTo speak of the obvious
It’s still resounding to this day, that voice yelling, “Shut up!”I can’t help but think it’ll be a nice place to curl up in if I’m second-rate
Days of fleetingly making sound quickly drain awayOnly by being burned can they not by overtaken
Like it’s revolving, like it’s crashing down, the spiral staircase doesn’t stopI don’t feel like praying but I’m searching for things to cling onto
This is just how “real” isSighed words forced into oblivionA peaceful sky off in the distance
I don’t know how long the scenery before my eyesWaited ahead with some sort of futureFor this endlessly circling me, but as of yetIt’s not stopping, not looking back
Days when I felt I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere returnSoon I’ll pass through this wall
Like I can grasp it, like it’s approachable, everyday continues on endlesslyI make up my mind that “the end” is definitely not set in stone
Acting as if a lie like today will someday turn into a memoryAt some point, pick something up, put it out of your mind, and move on
This being “real” is enoughDestroy that spiral staircase right away and take the plunge