Alice in Chains "Fear The Voices" lyrics

Translation to:elsr

Fear The Voices

Put our heads togetherBecause a signature could change our futureFor some wrote you a letterBegging you to reconsider, yeah

YeahYeah yea

Put our heads togetherFear the voices you hear todayIf you still have choices we'll blow you away

So they put numberOn the television Mr. Gardner, oh yeahA messed up generation put the pressure on youYou're a coward

YeahYea, hey

A messed up generationFear the voices you hear todayIf you still have choices we'll blow you away

We can see right through you, we're awakeSend your men and we are all awakeAwake, awake, awake, awakeWake, awake, awake, awake

Fear the voices you hear todayIf you still have choices we'll blow you awayFear the voices, fear the voices, fear the voices, fear the voices

Plasi Se Glasova

Spoji nase glaveZato sto bi potpis mogao promeniti nasu buducnostZato sto ti je neko napisao pismoMoleci te da se preispitas, da

DaDa, da

Spoji nase glavePlasi se glasova koje danas cujesAko idalje imas izbora, mi cemo te oduvati

I oni ce staviti brojNa televiziju Gospodine Bastovanu, oh daPoremecena generacija vrsi pritisak na tebeTi si kukavica

DaDa, da

Poremecena generacijaPlasi se glasova koje danas cujesAko idalje imas izbora, mi cemo te oduvati

Mi mozemo videti pravo kroz tebe, mi smo svesniPosalji svoje ljude i svi smo mi svesniSvesni, svesni, svesni, svesniProbudi se, budni, budni, budni

Plasi se glasova koje danas cujesAko idalje imas izbora, mi cemo te oduvatiPlasi se glasova, plasi se glasova, plasi se glasova, plasi se glasova

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Fear The Voices by Alice in Chains. Or Fear The Voices poem lyrics. Alice in Chains Fear The Voices text.