Paul McCartney "Back In The Sunshine Again" lyrics

Translation to:sr

Back In The Sunshine Again

Here we areBack in the sunshine againNo more worriesand no more pain

We're leaving behindAll our troubles and strifeAnd that's the way it's gonna beFor the rest of my life

Here we are, here we areBack in the sunshine againNo more worries, no more worriesAnd no more pain, no more pain

Life's too short, to spend it lonelyYou only throw it awayListen to your voice of reason, call it a day

Take a ride, take a rideOut to the land of the freeDon't hurry take your time, take your timeCome and spend it with me

Back in the sunshineBack in the sunshine

Here we areBack in the sunshine againNo more worries, no more worriesAnd no more pain

Life's too short, to spend it lonelyYou only throw it awayListen to your voice of reason, call it a day

Here we areBack in the sunshine againNo more worries, no more worriesAnd no more pain

Here we areBack in the sunshine againNo more worries or painAnd no more pain

Back in the sunshine againNo more worriesBack in the sunshine again

Ponovo Smo Srećni

Evo nasPonovo smo srećniNema više brigai nema više bola

Ostavljamo iza nasSve naše nevolje i razdoreI tako će bitiU ostatku mog života

Evo nas, evo nasPonovo smo srećniNema više briga, nema više brigai nema više bola, nema više bola

Život je prekratak da se provede u samoćiSamo ga tako dangubišSlušaj svoj glas razuma, uzmi predah

Provozaj se, provozaj seVani do slobodne zemljeNe žuri, iskoristi svoje vreme, iskoristi gaDođi i provedi ga sa mnom

Ponovo smo srećniPonovo smo srećni

Evo nasPonovo smo srećniNema više brigai nema više bola

Život je prekratak da se provede u samoćiSamo da dangubišSlušaj svoj glas razuma, uzmi predah

Evo nasPonovo smo srećni...

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Back In The Sunshine Again by Paul McCartney. Or Back In The Sunshine Again poem lyrics. Paul McCartney Back In The Sunshine Again text.