Fun. "The Gambler" lyrics

Translation to:tr

The Gambler

Slow down,we've got time left to be lazyAll the kids have bloomedfrom babies into flowers in our eyes.We've got fifty good years leftto spend out in the gardenI don't care to beg your pardon,We should live until we die.

We were barely eighteenwhen we'd crossed collective hearts.It was cold, but it got warmwhen you'd barely crossed my eye.and then you turned, put out your hand,and you asked me to dance.I knew nothing of romance,but it was love at second sight.

I swear when I grow up,I won't just buy you a rose.I will buy the flower shop,and you will never be lonely.Even if the sun stops waking up over the fieldsI will not leave, I will not leave 'til it's our time.So just take my hand, you knowthat I will never leave your side.

It was the winter of '86,and all the fields had frozen over.So we moved to Arizona to save our only sonand now he's turning to a man,although he thinks just like his mother,he believes we're all just lovers,he sees hope in everyone.

And even though she moved away,we always get calls from our daughter.She has eyes just like her father'sthey are blue when skies are grey.And just like him, she never stops,Never takes the day for granted,works for everything that's handed to her,Never once complains.

You think that I nearly lost youWhen the doctors tried to take you away.But like the night you took my hand beside the fireThirty years ago to this dayYou swore you'd be here'til we decide that it's our timeWell, it's not time,you've never quit in all your life.So just take my hand,you know that I'll never leave your side.You're the love of my life,you know that I'll never leave your side.

You come home from workand you kiss me on the eyeYou curse the dogs and saythat I should never feed them what is oursSo we move out to the garden,look at everything we've grownand the kids are coming homeI'll set the table, you can make the fire.


Yavas ol tembellige zamanimiz varGozlerimizin onunde butun cocuklar tomurcuktan cicege donustuGeride bahcemizde yasayacagimiz Elli guzel yilimiz varAffina siginmiyorunOlene kadar yasamaliyiz

Kalplerimiz birlestiginde anca onsekizindeydikHave soguktu ama gozlerimiz kesistiginde isindimSonra Sen elini uzatip dansa Davet ettinRomantizm hakkinda hic bir sey bilmiyordum ama ikinci gorusteki askti

(Sen)Yemin ediyorum buyudugumde sana gul degil gul dukkani alacagimSen asla yanliz kalmayacaksinGunes tarlalarin uzerine dogmasa bile Ben gitmeyecegimZamanimiz gelene (olene) kadar gitmeyecegimSadece elimi tut biliyorsun Ben her zaman senin yanindayim (dedin)

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Kiz uzaga tasinsadaKizimiz her zaman ariyorKizin gozleri sema gri oldugunda Mavi tipki babasi gibiVe babasi gibi hic durmuyorHic bir gunu garanti gormuyor ve sikayet etmeden elinden geldigi kadar calisiyor

Doctorlar seni gotirdugunde seni kaybettigimi mi sandin30 sene once atesin arkasinda elimi tutup olene kadar burda olcagina yemin ettigin gibiSimdi zamani degilSen hayatin boyunca hic pes etmedinSadece elimi tutBiliyorsun Ben seni asla birakmamSen hayatimin askisinBiliyorsun seni asla birakmam

isten eve gelip beni gozlerimden optun ve kopeklere lanet okuyup onlara bizim olan hic bir seyi vermemem gerektigini soyledin sonra bahcemize gecip yetistirdiklerimize baktik.cocuklar eve geliyor Sen atesi yak Ben sofrayi hazirlayim

Here one can find the lyrics of the song The Gambler by Fun.. Or The Gambler poem lyrics. Fun. The Gambler text.