Ala je lep ovaj svet
Ala je lepOvaj svet,Onde potok,Ovde cvet;Tamo njiva,Ovde sad,Eno sunce,Evo hlad!Tamo dunav,Zlata pun,Onde trava,Ovde zbun,Slavuj pesmomLjulja lug.Ja ga slusamI moj drug.
Ala je lepOvaj svet,Onde potok,Ovde cvet;Tamo njiva,Ovde sad,Eno sunce,Evo hlad!Tamo dunav,Zlata pun,Onde trava,Ovde zbun,Slavuj pesmomLjulja lug.Ja ga slusamI moj drug.
Oh, How Beautiful This World Is,There's the stream,Here's the flower.There's the field,Here's the scion.Behold the sun!Behold the shade!Over there's Danube,full of gold.There's the grass,Here's the bush!Nightingale's shaking a grove with a song.I listen to him with my buddy.