Oasis "Where did it all go wrong?" lyrics

Translation to:sr

Where did it all go wrong?

You know that feeling you getYou feel you're older than timeYou ain't exactly sureIf you've been away a while

Do you keep the receiptsFor the friends that you buyAnd ain't it bittersweetYou were only just getting by

But I hope you knowThat it won't let goIt sticks around with you until the day you dieAnd I hope you know that it's touch and goI hope the tears don't stain the world that waits outsideWhere did it all go wrong?

And until you've repaidThe dreams you bought for your liesYou'll be cast awayAlone under the stormy skies

But I hope you knowThat it won't let goIt sticks around with you until the day you dieAnd I hope you know that it's touch and goI hope the tears don't stain the world that waits outsideWhere did it all go wrong?

Gde je sve otišlo dođavola?

Poznat ti je taj osećajImaš osećaj da si stariji od vremenaNisi baš siguranDa li te nije bilo neko vreme

Čuvaš li priznaniceZa kupljene prijateljeI zar nije gorko-slatkog ukusaŠto si bio jedini koji prolazi

Ali, nadam se da znašDa neće prestatiBiće sa tobom sve dok ne umrešI nada me da znaš da je to neizvesnoNadam se da suze ne ostavljaju fleke na svetu koji čeka napoljuGde je sve otišlo dođavola?

I dok si otplaćivaoSnove koje si kupio lažimaOdbaciće teSamog pod olujnim nebom

Ali, nadam se da znašDa neće prestatiBiće sa tobom sve dok ne umrešI nada me da znaš da je to neizvesnoNadam se da suze ne ostavljaju fleke na svetu koji čeka napoljuGde je sve otišlo dođavola?

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Where did it all go wrong? by Oasis. Or Where did it all go wrong? poem lyrics. Oasis Where did it all go wrong? text. Also can be known by title Where did it all go wrong (Oasis) text.