Smiley "În lipsa mea" lyrics

Translation to:enfritrutr

În lipsa mea

sunt cu fata spre usasi cu ochii spre eazic ''adio'' ea zice''te rog nu pleca''fac un pasea se arunca in genunchii ei goiam vazut-o cu el si nu potda inapoi

o masina parcata pe doshainele aruncate pe josdeschid usa destul de usoraud zgomote in dormitorimi faceam mii de griji pentru eadar telefonul inchis il tineaei se iubeau sus in camera meape patulmeu si pe muzica mea


mi-as fi vandut si sufletu'pentru o femeie cum esti tudar in lipsa meatu mi l-ai amanetat deja [bis]uzzy:

si nu o sa mai fie la felpur si simplubaietii sunt baietisi femeile sunt....heica pot sa spuna "te iubesc" cu alt nume pe buzesa se uite frumos gandind la un prostcare vorba ta parcheaza o masinape doschiar nu stiu ce sa zic frateasa sunt toatecred demonstreze ca....inca merge e de bani sau ca....vor maibinedaca nu era cu tine il insela cu tinebine tu esti plecat si e marfase duce-n club bea si o ia la pas..pas cu pas.....dupa bas un se rupe in danssi oricare s-ar da la el ca femeia e frumoasa si arata ca vreasi e clar ca ii place asada chiar pe patul tau si pe muzica ta?da-o ma in....oo

refren: bïs x3 (less)

În lipsa mea

i'm with my face toward the dorand with (my) eyes toward heri say 'goodbye' she says''please don't go"i make a stepshe throws on her naked kneesi saw her with him and i can'tgo back (the mean change my mind)

a car bad parkedthe clothes throwed downi open the door quite easyi hear the noises in the bedroomi was making thousands of worries (meaning i was very worryed)for herbut the phone (she) was keeping offthey were loving themselves (they were making love) up in my roomon my bed and on my music.


i would have sell my soulfor a woman like youbut in my absenceyou have already sold (pown??)it(my soul)

and it won't be the samePurerlythe boys are boysand the women are...heithat they can tell 'i love you' with other name on their lipsto look (at you)nice (but) thinkinmg at a stupidwho,as you said,is parking a carbadi realluy don't know what to say,brotherall are like thisi think demonstrate theirselves still works's not about the money or that...they wantbetterif she wouldn't have been with you she would have cheated him with youok,you are away and it is coolgoes in club,drinks and lives.step by step...after a bass a step...and dances( like crazy)and anyone would want him cause the woman is beautiful and she looks that she wants (something like this ..i can't really translate)and it's claerly that she likes like thatbut just in your bed and on your music?(this is a swear word...)

refren: bïs x3 (less)

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song În lipsa mea by Smiley. Or În lipsa mea poem lyrics. Smiley În lipsa mea text in English. Also can be known by title In lipsa mea (Smiley) text. This page also contains a translation, and In lipsa mea meaning.