Café Tacuba "Rarotonga" lyrics

Translation to:en


Rarotonga se murióyo la vi morirhace poco yo la vihazme tuya cada martes.

Esa noche la encontrévendiendo su amoren el subterráneo trendonde diario viajo yo.

Rarotonga se acercómuy pegada a mialgo extraño pasa aquíen la selva de concreto.


Rarotonga diedI saw her dieI saw her a while agomake me yours every tuesday.

That night I found herselling her lovein the subwayI ride everyday.

Rarotonga came closervery close to mesomething weird happens herein the concrete jungle.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Rarotonga by Café Tacuba. Or Rarotonga poem lyrics. Café Tacuba Rarotonga text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Rarotonga meaning.