Asaf Avidan "Different Pulses" lyrics

Translation to:deelhrru

Different Pulses

My life is like a wound I scratch so I can bleedRegurgitate my words, I write so I can feedAnd Death grows like a tree that's planted in my chestIts roots are at my feet, I walk so it won't rest

Oh, Baby I am Lost...

I try to push the colors through a prism back to whiteTo sync our different pulses into a blinding lightAnd if love is not the key. If love is not a key.I hope that I can find a place where it could be

I know that in your heart there is an answer to a questionThat I'm not as yet aware that I have askedAnd if that tree had not drunk my tearsI would have bled and cried for all the yearsThat I alone have let them pass

Oh, Baby I am yours...

Različiti pulsevi

Moj život je poput rane koju češem samo da mogu krvaritiPovraćam svoje riječi, pišem tako da se mogu hranitiI smrt raste poput stabla koje je posađeno u mojim prsimaNjegovo korijenje je u mojim stopalima, hodam tako da ne umre

Oh dušo, izgubljen sam...

Probao sam progurati boje iz prizme natrag u bijeloDa bih uskladio naše različite pulseve u zaslijepljujućem svijetluI ako ljubav nije ključ, ako ljubav nije ključNadam se da ću pronaći mjesto na kojem bi mogao biti

Znam da u tvom srcu postoji odgovor na pitanjeZa kojeg još nisam svjestan da sam ga postavioI da to stablo nije popilo moje suzeKrvario bi i plakao sve te godineKoje sam sam pustio da prođu

Oh dušo, tvoj sam...

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Different Pulses by Asaf Avidan. Or Different Pulses poem lyrics. Asaf Avidan Different Pulses text.