Ana Carolina "Rai das Cores" lyrics

Translation to:en

Rai das Cores

Para a folha: verdePara o céu: azulPara a rosa: rosaPara o mar: azul

Para a cinza: cinzaPara a areia: ouroPara a terra: pardoPara a terra: azul

Quais são as cores que são suas cores de predileção?

Para a chuva: prataPara o sol: laranjaPara o carro: negroPara a pluma: azul

Para a nuvem: brancoPara a duna: brancoPara a espuma: brancoPara o ar: azul

Quais são as cores que são suas cores de predileção?

Para o bicho: verdePara o bicho: brancoPara o bicho: pardoPara o homem: azul

Para o homem: negroPara o homem: rosaPara o homem: ouroPara o anjo: azul

Quais são as cores que são suas cores de predileção?

Para a folha: rubroPara a rosa: palhaPara o ocaso1: verdePara o mar: cinzento

Para o fogo: azulPara o fumo: azulPara a pedra: azulPara tudo: azul

Quais são as cores que são suas cores de predileção?

Rai of the Colors

For the leaves that fall: greenFor the sky above us: blueFor the rose: pinkFor the giant sea: blue

For the ashes: grayFor the sand: goldenrodFor the ground: brownFor the ground: blue

Which are the colors that are the colors that you like the most?

For the falling rain: silverFor the Sun: orangeFor your car: blackFor the feather: blue

For the clouds: whiteFor the dunes: whiteFor the foam: whiteFor the air: blue

Which are the colors that are the colors that you like the most?

For the insects: greenFor the insects: whiteFor the insects: brownFor the man: blue

For the man: blackFor the man: roseFor the man: goldenrodFor the angels: blue

Which are the colors that are the colors that you like the most?

For the leaves that fall: redFor the rose: straw colorFor the setting Sun: greenFor the sea: gray

For the fire: blueFor the smoke: blueFor the stone: blueFor everything

Which are the colors that are the colors that you like the most?

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Rai das Cores by Ana Carolina. Or Rai das Cores poem lyrics. Ana Carolina Rai das Cores text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Rai das Cores meaning.