Hayedeh "Nagoo nemiam (نگو نميام)" lyrics

Translation to:en

Nagoo nemiam (نگو نميام)

نگو نگو نميامنگو نگو نميام

اميد رو پر دادنديگه سخته برام

حالا که دست گلدونبه ساقه گل رسيده

حالا که عطر آشتیتو خونمون پيچيده

حالا که خوب می دونیدلم هوا تو کرده

حالا که بغض و کينهپاشو کنار کشيده

نگو نگو نميامنگو نگو نميام

اميد رو پر دادنديگه سخته برام

آلاله غنچه کردهکاش بودی و ميديدی

کبوتر بچه کردهکاش بودی و ميديدی

گلها چشم انتظارنتا از در برسی تو

گلها قرق بهارنکاش بودی و ميديدی

ميگن وقتی قاصدکرو دوش گل سواره

خوشبختی ميارهکاش بودی و ميديدی

يه قمری توی ايوونداره لونه میزاره

ميگن اومده کارهکاش بودی و ميديدی

don't say i wont come

don't say i wont comedon't say i wont come

letting hope to fly awayis too hard for me now

now that the hand of jardiniere richesto the body of flower

Now that the perfume of peaceSpread in our home between us

Now that you well knowMy heart is wishing you

now the time that anger and sadnessgone away

Don't say! Don't say! "I will not come"Don't say! Don't say! "I will not come"

letting hope to fly awayis too hard for me now

The tulip is blossomingI wish you were to see

Pigeon Made babyI wish you were to see

The flower's eyes are waiting to see youcoming from the door

Flowers are sunk by freshness of springI wish you were to see

They murmur while the dandelionis sitting on flower

It brings good fortuneI wish you were here to see

There is one pigeon in yardAnd it is hatching

They say it will bring good fortuneI wish you were to see

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Nagoo nemiam (نگو نميام) by Hayedeh. Or Nagoo nemiam (نگو نميام) poem lyrics. Hayedeh Nagoo nemiam (نگو نميام) text in English. Also can be known by title Nagoo nemiam نگو نميام (Hayedeh) text. This page also contains a translation, and Nagoo nemiam نگو نميام meaning.