Oliver Dragojević "Nedostajes mi ti" lyrics

Translation to:enitru

Nedostajes mi ti

Kad bi htjela ti da budešmoja luka, moje more,moja ljubav zauvijek.Kad bi htjela ti da budešmoje noći, moje zore,moja sreća zauvijek.

Ja bih htio da te vodimputem nježnosti i snovada te vodim zauvijek.Ja bih htio da te volimovim putem sve do bolada te volim zauvijek.

Ref.Nedostaješ mi ti i ove noći,nedostaješ mi ti,tvoj smijeh, tvoj glas i oči.Nedostaješ mi tia noć je duga,nedostaješ mi tiza san, za mir, za ljubav.

Nedostaješ mi ti(4x)


I Miss You

If you wanted to bemy port, my seamy eternal loveif you wanted to bemy nights, my dawnsmy eternal happiness

I'd want to guide youon the road of gentleness and dreamsto guide you foreverI'd want to love youon this way all the way to the painto love you forever

I miss you, this night tooI miss youyour laughter, your voice and eyesI miss youMy nights are longI miss youfor the dream, for the peace, for love

I miss you

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Nedostajes mi ti by Oliver Dragojević. Or Nedostajes mi ti poem lyrics. Oliver Dragojević Nedostajes mi ti text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Nedostajes mi ti meaning.