Alban Skënderaj "Bardhe e zi" lyrics

Translation to:en

Bardhe e zi

As më shtyn, as me rri pranë,As me ndjek e as me mban.As me thua ku je,As se di se ku jam,As nuk dua ta di,Me ke e s'të kam,Kur skenari, skenari...

Do mbetet po ai..Gjithmonë në bardhë e zi..As më shumë e as me pak,As më afer, as më larg,Po herët, herët apo vonë...

O më vret o më shëron,Si një engjëll më sulmon,Dhe nuk mundem me ty,Nuk mundem pa ty,Por s'mundem të shohDhe natën ne sy,Kur portreti, portreti..

Do mbetet po ai..Gjithmonë në bardhë e zi..As më shumë e as me pak,As më afer, as më larg,Po herët, herët apo vonë...

Do jem dhe unë si ti,Kurse ti do jesh si unë, kush e di.


White and black

You don't push me, you don't stay closeYou don't follow me, you don't hold me.You don't tell me where you're even I don't know where I'mI don't even want to know,Since I don't have you,When the scenery the scenery...

It will still be him..Always in white and black...Not too much or too less,Not too close, not too far,Or early, early or late...

Or you kill me or you heal meLike an angel that attacks me,And I can't do it with you,I can't do it without you,But I can't see youAnd In the night in eyesWhen the portrait, the portrait...

It will still be him..Always in white and black...Not too much or too less,Not too close, not too far,Or early, early or late...

And I'll be also like you,While you'll be like me, who knows

Bridge x1REF x1

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Bardhe e zi by Alban Skënderaj. Or Bardhe e zi poem lyrics. Alban Skënderaj Bardhe e zi text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Bardhe e zi meaning.