R.K.M & Ken-Y "Quizas" lyrics

Translation to:en


(wisin)PReste es el estreno mundialde quizas...el remixTony Dize con el sr. ken-yestos si que le meten papino te tires que tu no sabes nadarsubelo!..

(Tony Dize)buscando donde no hay nada...ya no quiero discutir, para que seguir..tratando con la ilusion..que algun dia me quieras como yo kiero..pero soy un juego-ohh..tu en mi buscas vengaza y yo en ti busco un sueño.dime entonces que hacemos...


quizas, amaste a quien no debiste amar..tomastes una desicion fatal..te lastimaron y eso te hizo malyo lo tuve que pagar..

quizas,el te engañoy no te amo de verdadfue una aventura un juego nada masnunca te dieron la oportunidadyo lo tuve que pagar

(Tony Dize)Tu creyendo que me quieres...yo queriendote creersupo a verdadlo que sentimosaunque en el corazon no lo quisimosque bien nos mentimooosss...heeey del amor nadie se salvaporque engañarnos asicomo obligarte a que me quieras

(coro)(Tony Dize)quizas, amaste a quien no debiste amar..tomastes una desicion fatal..te lastimaron y eso te hizo malyo lo tuve que pagar..

(ken-y)quizas,el te engañoy no te amo de verdadfue una aventura un juego nada masnunca te dieron la oportunidadyo lo tuve que pagar

(ken-Y)se que han lastimado ya tu corazony que tienes miedo a otra desilucionse que tus sonrisas han cambiadoque muchos sueños se han marchaocuando el se fue y te dejo oo

pero si me dieras a mi otra oportunidadentonces volverias amarotras vesquizass..

Buscando donde no hay nadaya no quiero discutirpara que seguirtratando con la ilusionde que algun dia me quierascomo yo quieropero soy un juegooootu en mi buscas venganzayo en ti busco un sueñodime entonces que hacemos...

(coro)(Tony Dize)quizas, amaste a quien no debiste amar..tomastes una desicion fatal..te lastimaron y eso te hizo malyo lo tuve que pagar..

(ken-y)quizas,el te engañoy no te amo de verdadfue una aventura un juego nada masnunca te dieron la oportunidadyo lo tuve que pagar...

(Tony Dize)Senti necesidadcansado estaba yala pena mas amargame envolvioooooquice saber llorarbusque las mas fatalhasta pense en matarel dia que mas la quice me dejoperdi mi felicidad...

Dicen que es cosa de tontosenamorarse,tener sentimientoooosamar hoy es cosa de un besoya nadie se promete mas alla del tiemponadie cree en lo eternomi amor pero por esono tuvimos que ser igual

(wisin)definitivamente un junte para la historiacertificadopor los grandes exponentesde este movimiento,los que controlan el area broki!,OK?con mucha humildad para ustedes mujeres latinas!en una iniciativa deWY Record!,Pina Recordson los medios conseguidos muchachoscon calmaeste es el estreno mundialde Quizas The RemixTony dize con el Sr. Ken-Ydemasiado rating mucho talento juntoTony Dize con el Sr. Ken-YLos vaquerosss!


(Wisin) PR this is the world premiere of quizas. ..el remix Tony Dize with the Mr. ken-and these if that puthim daddy do not throw you that your do not know to swim rise it!..

(Tony Dize) seeking where not to have swum... No longer I want to discuss, so that to continue.. Treating with the ilusion.. That algun I gave want me as I kiero.. But I am a play-ohh.. Your in my searches vengaza and I in you seek a dream. Dime then that we do...

(Chorus) (ken-y....)

Quizas, you loved who should not love.. Tomastes a desicion fatal.. They injured you and that did you badly I had to pay him..

quizas, the you deceit and you do not I love truly was an adventure a play swims but never they gave you theopportunity I had to pay it

(Tony Dize) Your believing that you want me... I wanting you to believe knew to truth what we feel althoughin the corazon did not we want him that well us mentimooosss. ..heee and of the love nobody is saved becauseto deceive us asi as to oblige that want me

(Chorus) (Tony Dize) quizas, you loved who should not love.. Tomastes a desicion fatal.. They injured you and that did you badly I had to pay him..

(ken-and) quizas, the you deceit and you do not I love truly was an adventure a play swims but never they gaveyou the opportunity I had to pay it

(ken-and) they have been injured that already your corazon and that you fear another desilucion itself thatyour smiles have changed that many dreams have goes itself when the went and you abandonment oo

But if gave me to my another opportunity then volverias to love other see quizass..

Seeking where not to have swum no longer I want to discuss so that to continue treating with the ilusion thatalgun I gave want me as I want but I am a juegoooo your in my searches revenge I in you seek a dream dime thenthat we do...

(Chorus) (Tony Dize) quizas, you loved who should not love.. Tomastes a desicion fatal.. They injured you and that did you badly I had to pay him..

(Ken-and) quizas, the you deceit and you do not I love truly was an adventure a play swims but never they gaveyou the opportunity I had to pay it...

(Tony Dize) Senti tired need was already the grief but bitter me envolviooooo quice to know to cry seek thebut fatal to pair in killing the I gave that but the quice me abandonment perdi my happiness...

They say that is thing of fools to be courted, to have sentimientoooos to love today is thing of a kissalready nobody is promised but alla of the time nobody believes in the eternal thing my love but therefore wehad not to be equal

(Wisin) finally a he join for the history certificadopor the large exponents of this movement, the ones that control the area broki!, OK? With a lot of humility for you latin american women! Inan initiative of WY Record!, Pina Record are the media obtained boys with calm this is the world premiere of Quizas The Remix Tony dize with the Mr. Ken-And too much rating a lot of togethertalent Tony Dize with the Mr. Ken-And The vaquerosss!

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Quizas by R.K.M & Ken-Y. Or Quizas poem lyrics. R.K.M & Ken-Y Quizas text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Quizas meaning.