Harmful Effects
The other side of a tool to talk with celebritiesThe connections that immediately snap are darklyJealous, of that person and that person's conversationIt's a dependence, from the start as soon as you see it, you feel itFrom good morning to good nightNow you're not lonely, now you're not aloneReally? Isn't it just an illusion? HazyTake care, welcome backGreetings from people whose faces you don't knowBut it's surprisingly not unpleasantBecause once you get accustomed it feels naturalSensation paralysis, it's been said before butOnce it becomes habit you can't break outWith no response, you get uneasyBlock, RemoveJust one more reason you feel sickThe small field of view you see the world through, an immense errorBut just how far does it goIf you die, there won't be an automatic tweet for itSilence without mourningI wonder if your existence would just fade and vanish
The Internet's harmful effectsWhat's the right thing to do? Can't you think about it for yourself?The usage is systematic, first one out
Shallow seems deep, since everything is sweetUnconsciously addicted, be careful of cavitiesGrumbles grumbles locked with a key, what can I bring to whose attentionUh oh, there's still fightingEntangled in suspicion, the threads of human connection seem about to be torn apartMuttering with the look of a corpseThat's.... that's...I don't even understand myself, so whatever.