Like, DislikeLike, DislikeLike, DislikeDislike, dislike, dislike, dislike
Self-satisfaction, stop the half-assed measuresThe personification of the lamest things ever
Wanting your whole life to be a pet dogRiddled with wounds, blood awakens
Are you ready? (HATE)Not yet (HATE)Are you ready?Hold on to your love
Undisclosed (HATE)Are you ready?Ok, ready! HeyObligation, let's go!!!
Like, dislikeHate, likeLike, dislikeHate, likeLike, dislikeHate, likeDislike, dislike, dislikeLove
I dislike myself, unable to loveI dislike my voice and face, I hate themForced smiles again today, unable to loveThe past is the deceased future, I hate it
Whose fault is itIt's not my fault
Masturbation, companion that won't deliverExhaustion, a shitshow of an affair
Self-abandonment seems just rightThrow away myself and the self awakens
Are you ready? (HATE)Not yet (HATE)Are you ready?Hold on to your love
Undisclosed (HATE)Are you ready?Ok, ready! HeyRevival, let's go!!!
Like, dislikeHate, likeLike, dislikeHate, likeLike, dislikeHate, likeDislike, dislike, dislikeLove
I dislike you, unable to loveI dislike mom and dad too, I hate themEveryone plays the victim, unable to loveWe are living machines, I hate it
Whose fault is itI didn't do anything wrong
Like, dislikeHate, likeLike, dislikeHate, likeLike, dislikeHate, likeDislike, dislike, dislike, dislike
Don't look in your hand-mirrorResuscitationGlare ahead, restorationUn-experienced zoneYes, I meanThe confidence comes afterwardsIf you can move one step forward that's coolPain and depression continueOn my mindDouble checkWhat my original motives were againRemember nowToday's annoyanceLet's turn it aroundI can become so strongThat it's annoyingLook right and leftLook down, and while relievedYou can't become anyoneYou can only becomeYourselfCreate a shortcutRealityThe universe, the worldBecome peerless, let's go!!!
ExposeDepending on youIt all changesRipping off the veilAnd the muddiedInsides revealed
Before you know itYou lost sight of itThe treasureWhere did it goThis excitedOpening
RememberThe early impulsesGreen springThe first of thingsThat's what's realThe core truth
Everyone's the sameCorruption, frictionThe turning, changing joys and sorrowsYour lifeWhose lifeOne shot, let's gamble on it