Gökhan Özen "Milyoner" lyrics

Translation to:arenfaru


MilyonerO milyoner olmuş ama adam olmuş muŞu dünyanın düzenine kuş kondurmuş mu

Aşkta hesaplar tutmazHep aynı son yargısız infazSöz konusu iki kalp var ikisi de enkazAşkta hesaplar tutmazHep aynı son yargısız infazSöz konusu iki kalp var ikisi de enkaz

Aşk cesaret ister ama o da sende yokKalbimi ısıtacak yürek sende yok


MillionaireHe has become a millionaire but has he become a man*Did he ever made something remarkable in the system

Making plans in love won´t workAlways the same end, an execution without judgementI´m talking about two hearts that are both in ruinsMaking plans in love won´t workIt´s always the same end, an execution without judgementI´m talking about two hearts that are both in ruins

Love needs courage but you don´t have itYou don´t have the courage to keep my heart satisfied

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Milyoner by Gökhan Özen. Or Milyoner poem lyrics. Gökhan Özen Milyoner text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Milyoner meaning.