Dalida "Ne lui dis pas" lyrics

Translation to:enfasr

Ne lui dis pas

Ne lui dis pasQuand tu le verrasQue j´ai tant pleuréQuand il m´a quittéNe lui dis pasQuand il lui parle de moiQue je lisais chaque jourSes quelques mots d´amour qu´il m´envoyait toujours

Qu´à chaque anniversaireSous la neige en hiverJ´ai couru mille fois croyant qu´il était làDis lui seulementQue de temps en tempsQuand j´avais peur la nuitJe te parlais de lui

Ne lui dis pasQuand il te demanderaQue malgré les annéesJe n´ai rien oubliéNi de sa voixJusqu´au bruit de ses pasLe sucre qu´il mettait dans son café au laitSes yeux quand il riait

Que je l´aime encoreMême s´il a eu tortQue je lui pardonnerais s´il me revenaitDis lui seulementQue de temps en tempsQuand tu pleurais la nuitJe te parlais de lui

"Ton père mon petit a refait savieAlors crois-moi surtout ne lui dis rienÇa lui ferait trop de chagrin"

Dis lui seulementQue de temps en tempsQuand j´avais peur la nuitJe te parlais de luiNe lui dis pasOh non ne lui dis pasNe lui dis pas

Ne lui dis...

Don't Tell Him

Don't tell himWhen you see himThat I cried so muchWhen he left meDon't tell himWhen he talks about meThat I used to read every dayThe few love words he always sent to me

That at every birthdayUnder the snow in winterI ran a thousand times believing he was thereJust tell himThat from time to timeWhen I was afraid in the nightI talked to you about him

Don't tell himWhen he asksThat despite the yearsI haven't forgotten anythingNeither his voiceNor the sound of his footstepsNor the sugar he used to put in his coffeeNor his eyes when he laughed

That I love him stillEven if he was wrongThat I would forgive him if he came backJust tell himThat from time to timeWhen I was afraid in the nightI talked to you about him

"Your daddy, kiddo, rebuilt his life.So believe me, don't say anything,it would break his heart."

Just tell himThat from time to timeWhen I was afraid in the nightI talked to you about himDon't tell himOh don't tell himDon't tell him

Don't tell...

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Ne lui dis pas by Dalida. Or Ne lui dis pas poem lyrics. Dalida Ne lui dis pas text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Ne lui dis pas meaning.