Wael Kfoury "Khayif (خايف)" lyrics

Translation to:en

Khayif (خايف)

خايِف تِرجَع فيكي الصدفيمَرّة تِجمَعنيوالجِرح اللّي فِيّي مِخفييوعى ويوجَعني

خايِف إرجَع حِنّلّكْوقِلّك إنّي اشتَقتِلّكْإنسا جرحي الماضي إمحيوالحنين يرَجّعني

رَح تِسمَعي قَلبي أنايقِلّك بَعدِك جُوّاتووبَعدِك صعبي حَياتوولا قِدرِت غَيرِك تِسكُن بِ قَلبووتِسرِقلو دقَاتو


I'm scared that coincidence will bring you backand bring us together.And the old wounds that I havewill wake up and hurt me.

I'm scared to go back to missing youand telling you that I missed you.Forget my old wounds and erase them.And missing you will bring me back to you.

You're going to hear my heartthat will tell you that you're still in him.And after you, his life is hard.And no one besides you is able to live in his heart.And steal his heartbeats.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Khayif (خايف) by Wael Kfoury. Or Khayif (خايف) poem lyrics. Wael Kfoury Khayif (خايف) text in English. Also can be known by title Khayif خايف (Wael Kfoury) text. This page also contains a translation, and Khayif خايف meaning.