Genesis "One Day" Songtext

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One Day

Don't get me wrongI think I'm in loveBut the feeling in the word is moreThan your crystal eyes will ever see in meDon't get me wrongOpen your eyesAlthough I cannot show my heartI'll watch and hope while you are near to me

One day I'll capture youAnd call you to my sideOne day I'll take you fromThe boredom of our livesOne day we'll fly awayTo the kingdom of my dreamsOne day I'll find myselfAnd wrap it in my love for you

Birds of the sky, may I borrow your wings?Very soon I'll ask my loveTo travel with me to the world outsideCherry trees, may I borrow your bloom?Very soon I'll ask my loveTo come inside the nest I'll build alone

One day I'll capture youAnd call you to my sideOne day I'll take you fromThe boredom of our livesOne day we'll fly awayTo the kingdom of my dreamsOne day I'll find myselfAnd wrap it in my love for you

Animal friendsHelp me decideWhen should I ask my love to leave?I'll beg of you that she'll say yes to meBreathe in deepNow is the timeShe looks at me and gently smilesAs if she knew I'd ask her all the time

One day I'll capture youAnd call you to my sideOne day I'll take you fromThe boredom of our livesOne day we'll fly awayTo the kingdom of my dreamsOne day I'll find myselfAnd wrap it in my love for you

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