Pussy Riot "I Can't Breathe" Songtext

I Can't Breathe

He's become his deathThe spark of the riotsThat's the way he's blessedTo stay alive.

It never leads to an endIt's never getting quietIf it's unfair, my friend,Make up your mind

It's getting dark in New York cityIt's getting dark in New York cityIt's getting tight in New York cityI need to catch my breath

You know this world of hateYou know this stubborn lightThey're in the prayers you prayLate at night

We're only half way downWho dares to take a breath?Some fairness might be foundFrom ashes of his death.

It's getting dark in New York cityIt's getting dark in New York cityIt's getting tight in New York cityI need to catch my breath

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes I Can't Breathe Song von Pussy Riot. Oder der Gedichttext I Can't Breathe. Pussy Riot I Can't Breathe Text. Kann auch unter dem Titel I Cant Breathe bekannt sein (Pussy Riot) Text.