Pussy Riot "Putin Lights Up the Fires" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:to

Putin Lights Up the Fires

The state time in prisonThe more arrests - the less happinessAnd every arrest - with the love of a sexistWe swinging our cheeks, chests and tummies

But we can not be released out of the boxofficers overthrew the better and grander

Putin ignites the fires of revolutionHe was bored and frightened people in silenceWhatever punishment he had - that rotten ash,With no time in many years - the reason for pollution


The country is going, the country goes to the streets with audacityThe country is going, the country is going to say goodbye to the regime,The country is going, the country is a wedge of feministsAnd Putin is going, Putin is going, leave cattle

Arrested May 6th, the whole city7 years not enough for us - give us 18The ban for yelling, slandering, and walking,Go take the old Lukashenko's wife


The country is going, the country going to the streets with audacityThe country is going, the country is going to say goodbye to the regime,The country is going, the country is a wedge of feministsAnd Putin is going, Putin is going to say goodbye, cattle."

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