Bob Marley "Iron, Lion, Zion" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:elfrhusr

Iron, Lion, Zion

I am on the rock and then I check a stockI have to run like a fugitive to save the life I liveI'm gonna be Iron like a Lion in Zion (repeat)Iron Lion ZionI'm on the run but I ain't got no gunSee they want to be the starSo they fighting tribal warAnd they saying Iron like a Lion in ZionIron like a Lion in Zion,Iron Lion Zion

I'm on the rock, (running and you running)I take a stock, (running like a fugitive)I had to run like a fugitive just to save the life I liveI'm gonna be Iron like a Lion in Zion (repeat)Iron Lion Zion, Iron Lion Zion, Iron Lion ZionIron like a Lion in Zion, Iron like a Lion in ZionIron like a Lion in Zion

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes Iron, Lion, Zion Song von Bob Marley. Oder der Gedichttext Iron, Lion, Zion. Bob Marley Iron, Lion, Zion Text. Kann auch unter dem Titel Iron Lion Zion bekannt sein (Bob Marley) Text.