Bruno Mars "Moonshine" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:eleshuptsrtr


HelloYou know you look even better than the way you did the night beforeAnd the moment that you kissed my lips you know I started to feel wonderfulIt's something incredible, there's sex in your chemicalsOoh, let's goYou're the best way I know to escape the extraordinaryThis world ain't for you, and I know for damn sure this world ain't for meLift off and say goodbyeJust let your fire set me freeOh

Moonshine, take us to the stars tonightTake us to that special placeThat place we went the last time, the last time

I know, I was with you last night but it feels like it's been so longAnd everybody that's around they know that I'm not myself when you're goneIt's good to see you again, good to see you againOn top of the world, is where I stand when you're back in my lifeLife's not so bad when you're way up this highEverything is alright, everything is alright

Moonshine, take us to the stars tonightTake us to that special placeThat place we went the last time, the last time, oh

Moonshine, your love it makes me come aliveTake us to that special placeThat place we went the last time, the last time

Don't look down, don't you never look backWe are not afraid to die young and live fastGive me good times, give me love, give me laughsLet's take a ride to the sky before the night is gone

Moonshine, take us to the stars tonightTake us to that special placeThat place we went the last time, the last time, oh

Moonshine, your love it makes me come aliveTake us to that special placeThat place we went the last time, the last time


ZdravoZnaš da izgledaš još bolje nego što si izgledala noć preI trenutak kad si me poljubila znaš da sam počeo da se osećam prelepoTo je nešto neverovatno, postoji seks u tvojim hemikalijamaOoh, hajdemoTi si najbolji način koji znam da izbegnem izvanrednoOvaj svet nije za tebe i znam prokleto sigurno ovaj svet nije za menePoleti i reci zbogomSamo neka me tvoja vatra oslobodiOh

Mesečino, odvedi nas do zvezda večerasOdvedi nas do tog posebnog mestaTog mesta gde smo otišli poslednji put

Znam, bio sam sa tobom prošle noći ali izgleda kao da je bilo tako davnoI svi koji su okolo znaju da nisam svoj kad odešDobro je videti te ponovo, dobro videti te ponovoNa vrhu sveta stojim kad se vratiš u moj životŽivot nije tako loš kad si ovako visokoSve je u redu, sve je u redu

Mesečino, odvedi nas do zvezda večerasOdvedi nas do tog posebnog mestaTog mesta gde smo otišli poslednji put, poslednji put, oh

Mesečino, odvedi nas do zvezda večerasOdvedi nas do tog posebnog mestaTog mesta gde smo otišli poslednji put, poslednji put

Ne gledaj dole, nemoj nikad da gledaš unazadMi se ne bojimo da umremo mladi i živimo brzoDaj mi dobra vremena, daj mi ljubav, daj mi smejanjaHajde da se provozamo do neba pre nego što noć prođe

Mesečino, odvedi nas do zvezda večerasOdvedi nas do tog posebnog mestaTog mesta gde smo otišli poslednji put, poslednji put, oh

Mesečino, odvedi nas do zvezda večerasOdvedi nas do tog posebnog mestaTog mesta gde smo otišli poslednji put, poslednji put

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes Moonshine Song von Bruno Mars. Oder der Gedichttext Moonshine. Bruno Mars Moonshine Text.