Jesus Culture "Miracles" paroles

Traduction vers:pt


The One who made the blind to seeIs moving here in front of me,Moving here in front of meThe One who made the deaf to hearIs silencing my every fear,Silencing my every fear

I believe in You,I believe in YouYou're the God of miraclesI believe in You,I believe in YouYou're the God of miracles

The One who does impossible isReaching out to make me wholeReaching out to make me wholeThe One who put death in its placeHis life is flowing through my veinsHis life is flowing through my veins

The God who was and is to comeThe power of the Risen OneThe God who brings the dead to lifeYou're the God of miracles!You're the God of miracles!

Ici on peut trouver les paroles de la chanson Miracles de Jesus Culture. Ou les paroles du poème Miracles. Jesus Culture Miracles texte.