Teresa Teng "Chūnshuǐ xiàng dōng liú (江春水向东流)" paroles

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Chūnshuǐ xiàng dōng liú (江春水向东流)


The River in the Spring Flowing Eastward

When is the spring flower and the autumn moon going to be over,How much do we know about the past.There came the east west to my small chamber last night again,I could not bear to look back to my native land in the clear moonlight.Carved railings and jade inlays should still be there,Only their beautiful appearance have changed.If you ask me how much that I worry,It's just like a river in the spring flowing eastward.When is the spring flower and the autumn moon going to be over,How much do we know about the past.There came the east west to my small chamber last night again,I could not bear to look back to my native land in the clear moonlight.Carved railings and jade inlays should still be there,Only their beautiful appearance have changed.If you ask me how much that I worry,It's just like a river in the spring flowing eastward.It's just like a river in the spring flowing eastward.

Ici on peut trouver les paroles de la chanson Chūnshuǐ xiàng dōng liú (江春水向东流) de Teresa Teng. Ou les paroles du poème Chūnshuǐ xiàng dōng liú (江春水向东流). Teresa Teng Chūnshuǐ xiàng dōng liú (江春水向东流) texte. Peut également être connu par son titre Chūnshuǐ xiang dōng liu 江春水向东流 (Teresa Teng) texte.