Parashqevi Simaku "Nje Mengjes" lyrics

Translation to:en

Nje Mengjes

Pres nje, nje mengjes ne stacionautobusi mbet' pas, shiu nis e po pikondit' plot me njerezit ndrinedhe drejt me njerez vjen me ngrohtesizemra troket sikur me fletpo ç'kerkon valle qe vjen tek une nji djale

Ref.eja prane ti ketu, mos u lag kam çader unendrojtje s'kam, nuk te njohtek ty djal njerine e mire une shohme nje mengjes nuk eshte fare çudinjerine e mire t'a shoh kushdondaj une per te kendoj me ngrohtesine jeten tone e gjejme ate ngado

ne çast ja m'u solli sot t'u themne mes tone nierez zemerbardhe kudo gjenn'dite plot me diellin ndrijnenjehere i takon dhe s'i harronper çdo njeri qe eshte i tillezerma me thote gjithnje nje fjal' te ngrohte

One Morning

I wait one, one morning at the stationthe bus left behind, the rain starts to drizzleday full of people dawnsand right with people comes with its warmthmy heart beats as if it speaksbut what's he looking for,towards me comes a boy

Ref.Come here close by, don't get wet I have an umbrellaI'm not shy, I know you notkind man I see in you boyit's no wonder at allin one morning the kind man to see everyonehence for him I sing with all the warmthfor in our lives we find him all over

For a moment I spoke today my mindamong us men all over of pure heartsin a day full of them sun dawnsonce you meet themyou'll never have them forlornfor every man who's sucha warm word speaks my heart


Come here...

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Nje Mengjes by Parashqevi Simaku. Or Nje Mengjes poem lyrics. Parashqevi Simaku Nje Mengjes text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Nje Mengjes meaning.