Ashes Remain "Without You" lyrics

Translation to:eleshrhuiditrorusrtr

Without You

Underneath the cold November skyI'll wait for YouAs the pages of my life roll byI'll wait for YouI'm so desperate just to see Your faceMeet me in this broken place

Hold me nowI need to feel YouShow me howTo make it new againThere's no one I can run toAnd nothing I could ever doI'm nowhere if I'm hereWithout You

Even if You take it all awayI'll wait for YouEven when the light begins to fadeI'll wait for YouI'm so desperate calling out Your nameMeet me in this broken place

Hold me nowI need to feel YouShow me howTo make it new againThere's no one I can run toAnd nothing I could ever doI'm nowhere if I'm hereWithout You

I'm tired of runningAnd wrestling with these angelsI lay downMy life and I surrender

Hold me nowI need to feel YouShow me howTo make it new againThere's no one I can run toAnd nothing I could ever doI'm nowhere if I'm hereWithout You

without you

Without You

Underneath the cold November skyI'll wait for YouAs the pages of my life roll byI'll wait for YouI'm so desperate just to see Your faceMeet me in this broken place

Hold me nowI need to feel YouShow me howTo make it new againThere's no one I can run toAnd nothing I could ever doI'm nowhere if I'm hereWithout You

Even if You take it all awayI'll wait for YouEven when the light begins to fadeI'll wait for YouI'm so desperate calling out Your nameMeet me in this broken place

Hold me nowI need to feel YouShow me howTo make it new againThere's no one I can run toAnd nothing I could ever doI'm nowhere if I'm hereWithout You

I'm tired of runningAnd wrestling with these angelsI lay downMy life and I surrender

Hold me nowI need to feel YouShow me howTo make it new againThere's no one I can run toAnd nothing I could ever doI'm nowhere if I'm hereWithout You

Fără tine

Sub cerul rece de NoiembrieTe voi așteptaÎn timp ce paginile vieții mele sunt răsfoiteTe voi așteptaSunt așa de disperat să-ți văd fațaHai să ne întâlnim în acest loc distrus

Ține-mă acumTrebuie să te simtArată-mi cumSă-l fac nou iarNu e nimeni spre care pot alergaȘi nu pot să fac nimicNu sunt nicăieri dacă sunt aiciFără tine

Chiar dacă tu vei înlătura totulTe voi așteptaChiar și atunci când lumina începe să scadă din intensitateTe voi așteptaSunt așa de disperat să-ți strig numeleHai să ne întâlnim în acest loc distrus

Ține-mă acumTrebuie să te simtArată-mi cumSă-l fac nou iarNu e nimeni spre care pot alergaȘi nu pot să fac nimicNu sunt nicăieri dacă sunt aiciFără tine

M-am săturat să alergȘi să mă lupt cu acești îngeriÎmi sacrificViața și mă predau

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Without You by Ashes Remain. Or Without You poem lyrics. Ashes Remain Without You text.