Hozan Beşir "Feryadı İsyanım" lyrics

Translation to:deen

Feryadı İsyanım

Mem nelere gark olmadı zinin ateşi içinFerhat dağı delmedimi Şirinin düşü içinKusur ise her saniye her yerde seni anmakMecnun azmı yemin etti Leylanın başı için

Gözlerinin dokunduğu her mekan memleketimBakı verde uzamasın gurbetim esaretimAhmet Arif hasretinden prangalar eskitmişBeni böyle eskitense prangalı hasretin

Sana yine sana yandım Nesimide dün geceGözlerinle yüzüleyim bend olayım hallacaBöyle hüküm buyurmuşlar Tanrılar divanındaHa ben sana yollanmışım ha Muhammet miraca

cümle cihan güzellerin yüzlerine ben örsüngözlerin balyozu oldu içerimdeki örsünruhumdaki fırtınalar merihi usandırdıNuh'a haber eyleyinde gelsinde tufan görsün

Cry of My Rebellion

What Mem has ben drawn into for the fire of ZinDidn’t Ferhat drilled mountains for the dream of ŞirinIf its a fault to mention about you every second, every placeDidn’t Majnun sworn for the head of Leyla

Every place that your eyes touch is my hometownJust stare; so my absense from you and enslavement wont prolongAhmed Arif; worn out shackles because of his longingThe thing that worn me out is my longing with shackles

Last night I burned for you, again for you NesimiI would be skinned by your eyes, i would be an embankment for HallacCourt of the gods has declared such termsMe to be sent to you is alike Muhammed sent to Mirac

All the universe beauties, would have frecles on their faceYour eyes became the sledge hammer of the anvil inside meThe storms in my soul has haunted MerihTell Nuh, so he come and see the deluge.

*The lyric here is not the exact lyrics or this singer has a different version. The version i know can be found here with the translation. http://lyricstranslate.com/en/feryadi-isyanim-cry-my-rebellion.html

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Feryadı İsyanım by Hozan Beşir. Or Feryadı İsyanım poem lyrics. Hozan Beşir Feryadı İsyanım text in English. Also can be known by title Feryadi Isyanim (Hozan Besir) text. This page also contains a translation, and Feryadi Isyanim meaning.